Graduate Guide – Key takeaways

Back in July I subscribed to the PRCA YouTube channel: PRCATV, but I forgot to press the little bell and make sure I got notifications. About a week ago when looking through my subscriptions, I remembered and wondered if there were any uploads that would be beneficial for me to watch now. Like it was meant to be, the newest video only uploaded a few hours before was: The Graduate Guide - Q&A panel on recruitment, next steps and getting ahead.

A day in the life of a 2020 graduate

I can't believe there is a only month and a half left of 2020. I'm not quite sure how this happened. This has been the simultaneously slowest and fastest year of my life. I reached a big achievement, my graduation, in fact last Thursday my degree certificate finally landed in my mail box. But teally what have i been doing since I finished Uni, if you keep reading you'll find out what an average day look like.

I Miss Travelling

I’m feeling a bit nostalgic to the days before this pandemic when travelling across the world was just a question of do I have the money to do it. I have not been to that many places but there are few trips that stand out to me and there are still so many places that... Continue Reading →

Was Covid-19 a surprise?

How do we prepare for the unthinkable? A year ago, did anyone dare think the thought that a pandemic was inevitable.  For the general public, of course not, we are not trained to think about the worst-case scenario. I don’t even know how many times in my life I’ve heard the phrase “think about the... Continue Reading →

Changing Plans

Before covid-19 was declared a pandemic, I had plans for my future, or at least for the next year. First of all I was going to finish the last few weeks of Uni, then go home to Sweden and work for the summer (Coming back for graduation) and then in the fall I was going... Continue Reading →

New York, New Motivation

Seven days ago I was on a plane leaving New York. I spent six days exploring Manhattan, going to museums, taking pictures in Central Park & at Times Square, shopping and spending way too much money on food. And it was great for my Uni work! Me & Dimitra BantiWell, now I know why people... Continue Reading →


Cover picture from PR_Solent Instagram Stories. This past week I attended the first event of the decade for my degree, the event itself is annual and I have now attended three throughout my University journey. This one was the last one I will be attending as a student here at Solent and it feels bittersweet.... Continue Reading →

Writer vs Reader

Picture from Pixabay Just like I did with my last post, I came across this when researching for my ethics unit. It's something that I think is probably worth talking about. I was reading an article about a conflict, the way the journalist used language to create an us and them feeling in the conflict... Continue Reading →

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