
Currently this page contains example of work produced across the three years of my degree, as well as relevant examples from extracurriculars.

First Year Assignment | Achieved 2:1 | Creative Digital Technology | 2017

In this Unit we received a brief about Hanham Hall, one of the elements of the brief was to create a two page spread print advert, from provided text and pictures, using InDesign, which can be viewed below.

We were also tasked with creating two sizes of Billboards. These are the ones I made.

First Year Assignment| Achieved 1st | Introduction to Public Relations | 2017

Working in groups with a live client brief from The New Forest Outdoor Centre, we were tasked with creating a Public Relations plan using Gregory’s ten-step planning model. Part of my groups plan was to hold a tryout team building event, for local managers and supervisors, in an effort to increase their customer base. A secondary goal of this recommendation was the possibility to generate photos and video to use across social media and the website.

After the group work was completed we were individually tasked with producing creative contributions to the plan from the initial assignment. Below you can see part of my creative contribution.

Screen Shot 2019-02-25 at 16.18.08
Screen Shot 2019-02-25 at 16.18.23

First Year Assignment | Achieved 2:1 | Communication in Organisation | 2018

In this unit we studied among other things change management and one assignment was to create a CEO Statement announcing a pay cut for every employee across an organisation. We also performed an analysis of the statement from a theoretical perspective.

Download it as a pdf here.

Second Year Assignment | Achieved 1st | Integrated Marketing Communications |2018

This assignment had us working as a group of three to design a hypothetical integrated marketing campaign for a case study company. The company assigned was EasyJet.

The end product for the assignment was a presentation in which we explained our campaign idea, the channels we chose to use and the research that supported why. Above you can a sample from the presentation.

We chose to suggest a partnership with the Berlin Marathon and Best Western Hotels. Meaning that once you had entered the marathon as a runner you could use your runner number as a code to get a deal on return tickets and a discount voucher for a hotel stay with Best Western. All three companies would benefit from this approach as they would gain access to the others customer base.

After we had presented this plan we individually produced a case study report. You can download a pdf version of mine here:

Second Year Assignment | Achieved 1st | Employability and Work placement | 2019

Among other things in this unit we produced various forms of CVs. Important to remember is that these were produced in 2019 before I had some of my current experience. First off you can view the Video CV I produced from concept to finished product.

Following is another form of a CV, a more creative approach to the classic (and in my opinion) slightly boring CV.

Download a copy:

Third Year Assignment | Achieved 1st | Ethics, Issues and Crisis Management | 2019

As part of this unit we chose an organisation who had faced an issue or a crisis and analysed how they handled the situation. I wrote about how the Catholic Church handled the paedophilia cases. If you want to read the full essay you can download it below.

If you want to read more about my ethics unit it also inspired two blog posts: this and this.


During the first two years of University I was part of the Solent Drama and Performance Society (which has since been renamed Solent Stage). As part of this society I managed our social media channels during the 2018-2019 academic year.

I’ve designed posters for performances, see below. As well as been part of the production of several performances, including ‘Encore’ in my first year, ‘Love’s Labour’s Lost’ and ‘Seven Deadly Sins’.

Posters for Little Shop of Horrors | 2018

Worked closely with the director, Sebastian Wrightson, to achieve the noir feeling he was after in the posters. Pictures and editing by me. The musical was performed early 2019.

Poster for Love’s Labour’s Lost | 2019

Worked closely with the Director James Westbrook to achieve the background of a notebook with various doodles related to the play. Drawing, design and edit by me.

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